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Oil lubrication : Oil is supplied to bronze line shaft bearings by an oiler, secured on the motor base. Oiler can be hand operated or solenoid for automatic lubrication. The suction bell bearing is packed with water resistant grease, ensuring a long period of operation.
Grease lubrication: Grease is supplied to bronze lineshaft bearings by a grease pump, secured on the motor base.
Water lubrication: line-shaft bearings are lubricated by the pumped water; bearings are made of Special Rubber in standard construction or can be from special synthetic material upon request. The suction bell bearing is grease lubricated. This type of lubrication is recommended for clear water to avoid oil contamination. The vertical mixed flow pump should not be dry, as the rubber bearings will seize. In case of turbid pumped water, clean water from an external source can be supplied to the line-shaft bearings through shaft enclosing tubes.
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